The April 2024 issue of Vanity Fair UK was just published and Anne Hathaway graces the cover. For me, her most infamous acting role was in the film, The Devil Wears Prada, which starred Meryl Streep as the Editor-in-Chief of a major fashion magazine, a la Anna Wintour (real-life Editor-in-Chief of Vogue Magazine).
Hathaway's character was a newly hired assistant to Streep's overly demanding character, and she sort of bumbled along trying to fit in and find her way in the fast-paced environment. Along her journey there, she transformed from a conservatively dressed plain Jane into a trendy fashionista, and her newfound chic style turned heads. I definitely admired some of her outfits myself.
I am honored that SKCreations, LLC was chosen to be included in the Style Selection pages of this issue of Vanity Fair. I can't wait to receive my copy in the mail!