Are you a fan of market bags? Many people use them for groceries and while the bags usually don't make a fashion statement they're a better alternative to plastic or paper. Most plastic bags aren't recycled so they end up in landfills and in the oceans. Paper bags aren't durable and can rip and soil easily.
There are benefits to using a market bag:
- You reduce your environmental footprint
- You're protecting wildlife and marine life
- Using them saves money
Market bags don't have to be plain and boring, and when they have an appealing design you'll want to use them for far more than grocery shopping. My SKCreations, LLC Slay Market Bags are printed with my original artworks (and signed) and they have these unique qualities:
- They're made from 100% recycled polyester
- They have eight (8) roomy pockets
- They're ultra compact and packable when empty
- They have a protective sewn-in base
- They're machine washable
- They're fun and you'll want to carry them everywhere you go
Now you know why you need one, so head on over to my online store to see them in my new designs. Order one for yourself, and you and the planet will be happy.