All hail women around the world!
You probably know that March is proclaimed Women's History Month. It's a time to "celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields" ( While this is an admirable proclamation, it doesn't go far enough to acknowledge the heroes that a majority of women are every. single. day.
According to Forbes magazine, women are more educated and more employed than ever, while still taking on most of the household and familial duties. They are much more likely to be the ones who care for sick or elderly family members, and they're eight times more likely than men to look after sick children or manage their children's schedules, which takes time out of their work day or other daily responsibilities. In addition to being subjected to various negative financial and career inequities when compared to men, women are also more stressed and have less time for self-care.
Shouldn't we be celebrating women every day, of every month, of every year? I certainly think so. I created my WOMAN design to do just that, as well as affirm how powerful we are.
Many of my customers seem to agree, since products from my collection featuring this design have been purchased by women and gifted to other women many, many times. I love that!
Here's something else I love and I think you will too...
New Sneakers printed with my WOMAN design!
WOMAN © Women's Lace Up Canvas Shoe
These Sneakers aren't the only new product in this collection. To see what else has been added, view the video below and visit my online store.