The Shay Maxi Skirt/Tube Dress
Over the past couple of months I have gradually been removing some products from my website. These products have been around for a while and many were customer favorites, but I felt it was time to say farewell. As we start this new year, I am no longer offering The Shay Maxi Skirt/Tube Dress, Infinity Scarves, Bella Skirts and Tote Bags.
Infinity Scarf
Bella Skirt
Tote Bag
I am thankful to all who purchased and enjoyed these products over the years and I know you may be sorry to see them go, but rest assured that retirement of the old is making way for new products that I'll be introducing over the course of this year. I'm excited, and I hope you will be too. In the meantime, be well and stay tuned!